Saturday, December 20, 2008

Wheatgrass The Green Wonder

Wheatgrass is one of the so-called “green foods” that are valued by health-conscious individuals as a great natural source of nutrients Wheatgrass available in fresh Juice form or from tablets is high in chlorophyll calcium magnesium and potassium.
It is wheatgrass chlorophyll that is perhaps its most valuable asset. Chlorophyll the plant’s grass pigment that is often referred to as the “blood of plant” has been shown in studies to have a cleaning, detoxifying and healing effects on the body.
Wheatgrass is grown from wheatberries and is harvested after just 7-10 days growth. bue to its fibrous nature, which is indigestive by humans, wheatgrass must be liquefied through the use of a juicer before it can be consumed. The wheatgrass juice can then be drank (either straight or in mixture with another juice) or converted into tablets. When drinking wheatgrass, it is recommended to consume the drink in small amounts not to exceed 4 oz per day. Over consumption of wheatgrass juice can be cause nausea or stomach upset due to the strong cleansing effects of the juice.
Use of wheatgrass is said to help cleanse the blood, organs and gastrointestinal tract and it is also recommended as a way to stimulate metabolism and bodily enzyme systems. Wheatgrass reportedly stimulates and normalizes the thyroid gland, which may be helpful in correcting obesity and indigestion.
As a nutritional supplement, wheatgrass contains a variety of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes. It has abundance of alkaline minerals, which is said to help reduce over acidity in the blood.Wheatgrass juice contains almost the same amount of vitamin C as citrus fruits and actually more that such vegetables as tomatoes or potatoes. It is as high in vitamin A as dark green lettuce or carrots and is additionally a good source of the B vitamins. Wheatgrass additionally contains vitamin E.
The mineral content of wheatgrass ineIude.s-calc iron,- sodium, -potassium, magnesium and a variety of trace minerals such as selenium and zinc. bried whatgrass juice is said to have as much calcium as milk. Wheatgrass juice contains about half as much iron as spinach, as much potassium as citrus fruit and as much magnesium as broccoli.
Some 17 amino acids can be found in wheatgrass including such essential amino acids (those that the body can only synthesize from food protein) as lysine, leucine, tryptophane, phenylalanine, threonine, valine and isoleucine. Some of the other amino acids found in wheatgrass are argine, glutamic acids, histidine, serine and tyrosine. One of the primary benefits for wheatgrass is its chlorophyll content. Research in Japan has shown that chlorophyll provides some protection from catcinogens. This protection is said to come from chlorophyll’s ability to strengthen cells, detoxify the liver and bloodstream and chemically neutralize pollutants.
While much of the medical research on wheatgrass has been conducted in Japan. U.S. scientist have also hailed this green food for its many benefits. For example, it has been praise for its role in preventing illness by Dr. Arthur Robinson, the director of the Oregon Institute of Science and Medical. Dr. Robinson, who performed a research project on wheatgrass in 1978 at the Linus Pauling institute found that wheatgrass and other “live foods” decreased the incidence and severity of cancer lesions in mice by about 75 percent.
In 1978, Dr. Chiu-Nan Lai of the University of Texas reported in Nutrition and Cancer that wheatgrass juice has an anti-mutagenic effect and also that it showed an anti-neoplastic ability. And in another study, performed at the Arthur Testing laboratory by br. Thelma Arthur, the consumption of wheatgrass juice was shown to detoxify the blood and strengthen the immune system.
Wheatgrass has also been shown to have beneficial external effects as well. Wheatgrass and /or chlorophyll ointment has been used to successfully treat such disorders as skin ulcers, impetigo and itching. Today, wheatgrass juice is in vogue at juice bars and health spas, and is becoming a popular supplement to the daily diet. Wheatgrass proponents claim that this green food can bring improvement in health, provide more energy and even aid weight loss.

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